Four For Friday | Feb 24, 2023
LF25 | Diving further into systems investment, ARK’s Big tech ideas and a new intergenerational living model in NYC.
Welcome to a Looking Forward’s Four For Friday (on this, my birthday week). Four links that have piqued my interest this week relating to Web3, healthy longevity and / or impact. Enjoy.
Systems investing 1: Primer
How capital can drive systems change, not just profit. Following last week’s deep dive in LF24 on ‘systems investing’, I was recommended this excellent primer on the topic (hat tip KG), which frames the issues and tees up areas that need further exploration.
Systems investing 2: Design foundations
The Yunus Center at Griffiths University has created a playbook for how to design systems investing solutions. Contrasting it with the funnel used by regular investing models, this approach is a circular ecosystem, ideally generating reinforcing loops.
Big Ideas by ARK
Tech investor ARK has released a data packed Big Ideas report. There’s a good summary of a bunch of emerging ideas, including how public blockchains are driving theee revolutions simultaneously: in money, finance and the Internet
Intergenerational senior living in Manhattan
Architect Matthias Hollwich has a bold new idea for living in Manhattan (New York Times). He’s introducing an age diverse, co-living model that promises to introduce much-needed affordable living options and improve social connection.
That’s all for this week. As always, feedback welcome. Feel free to share insights or links of interest.
- Stephen
Thank you for another incredibly relevant and informative post--and happy birthday week!
It's so exciting that more intergenerational housing developments are finally coming to the US after their long-documented success in Europe:
Looking forward to your next post.