May 6, 2023Liked by Stephen Johnston

Another excellent and thoughtful post.

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Dad, I think we need to get you a pseudonym :)

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Stephen - What you're envisioning needs to be built - you're right, most innovation in this space is B2B focused, and straddles the funding streams of evidence-based best practices in medical research and VC-based impact/risk valuations. It is that relationship between the family caregiver and their AD/ADRD diagnosed loved one that needs to drive the focus...along with considering where they intersect with the health system and professional care teams. A complex systemic challenge that would benefit from advanced VUCA thinking, for sure.....but if for no other reason, to "show that dementia should not be avoided and the challenges families facing be kept in shadows." Thank you for shining the light.

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May 9, 2023·edited May 9, 2023

Stephen, Very stimulating. The vision isn't realizable in the near term. Solidifying a shared common vision among those who care could help in developing the innovation/deployment framework that is missing now. StylaLife uses existing retail hub and logistics models and a novel service platform model for reference in conceptual designs of localized care network hub. "Carizmendi" is a paid caregiver service platform model that borrows organizational structure from the Arizmendi network of worker-owned self-directed for-profit bakeries in the Bay Area. The Wal-Mart Super Center-as-community center care hub configuration is for more rural environments. For more urban/suburban locations it's the Target/CVS retail shopping center hub configuration. Not sure about urban service deserts. The expectation is that aligning risk reduction with consumer-controlled quality of life improving care will result in benefits for and funding support from risk bearing firms and the US governmental population risk complex (CMS/VA, state and local government agencies). The disruptive approach should result in slam dunking at top of market. The curation effects, exclusive feel, and joy may manifest differently. The Apple challenge: experiencing joy using the home defecation assistance system. Will less unenjoyable work?

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